Closed Consultations

Details of previous consultations conducted by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI). These consultations are now closed. It is our aim to publish an overview of the feedback received during consultations, and the PSI response to those.


Public Consultation on proposal to amend Registration Rules to facilitate revision of the Third Country Qualification Recognition (TCQR) Route

We consulted on statutory rule changes that provided for our revision of the qualification recognition process for pharmacist applicants who are awarded their pharmacy qualification in a non-EU/non-EEA country. The existing Third Country Qualification Recognition (TCQR) route for non-EU and non-EEA applicants is a multi-stage process in place since 2009. We are changing it with the intent of streamlining the process, both to benefit applicants, our administrative process, and the wider public. The proposed PSI Registration Rule changes will facilitate implementation of this new process. We hope the new process may be by place in late 2023.

  • The public consultation report will be available in due course


Public Consultation on a Revised Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists

We published the first Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists in Ireland in 2013. To ensure that it remains relevant and fit-for-purpose, it is subject to regular review. This helps ensure that it continues to reflect the evolving role of pharmacists. A review of the current Core Competency Framework was undertaken and a revised Framework was developed. A public consultation was undertaken from 21 July to 18 August 2022.


Consultation on the review of the CPD Model for Pharmacists

Following on from a detailed review and assessment of international (CPD) models in 2009, the PSI introduced a portfolio-based, self-reflective CPD model for pharmacists. The model allows pharmacists to employ a wide range of learning methods to meet their individual learning needs. In accordance with the legislation underpinning the model, pharmacists must maintain an online record of their CPD (ePortfolio) and demonstrate evidence of this to the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) on request, once in every five years. Additionally, patient facing pharmacists may be requested to present for Practice Review. Having completed the first five year cycle of ePortfolio review, the PSI sought feedback from pharmacists on the CPD model.


Public Consultation on proposed Rules to amend the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Education and Training) (Integrated Course) Rules 2014-2020

The PSI Council proposed a legislative amendment to continue to allow for the recognition of a six-month patient facing experiential learning placement, in exceptional circumstances, where a 5th year pharmacy student is unable to complete eight consecutive months of this training, arising from the COVID 19 pandemic. 

The proposed amendment relates to the patient facing experiential learning placement provided for under Rule 14(1)(b) of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Education and Training) (Integrated and Training) Rules 2014 (i.e. the eight-month placement in the 5th year of the MPharm programme).

Public consultation on the PSI’s draft Corporate Strategy 2021-2023

As a public body, the PSI has an obligation to set out a clear strategy statement and our intended outcomes, and to provide an opportunity to all those who are interested in or affected by our work to have a say in our future direction.

Set against the background of the COVID-19 global pandemic and its impact in Ireland, we sought feedback on our next Corporate Strategy in August 2020.

The draft strategy builds on our achievements under the current strategy (2018-2020) and focuses on three key strategic objectives, while our strategic goal remains “to assure public trust in pharmacy through effective regulation”. 

Public Consultation on Proposed Rules to Amend the PSI (Fees) Rules 2014 

The PSI proposed changes to the existing statutory rules which set out the fees payable by retail pharmacy businesses for continued registration. This was done as a part of ongoing initiatives to meet challenges arising in the context of the COVID-19 emergency, recognising the measures undertaken by pharmacies to meet the challenges of the pandemic in protecting patients and staff, which have included impact on finances. The proposed amendment to the fee rules would permit granting of a deferral of continued registration fees which are due to be paid by registered pharmacies, for a specified period of time, during the ongoing Covid-19 public health emergency. If the amendment proceeds, pharmacies may apply for a deferment of fees up to 31 July 2020. Any such deferred fees will not fall due until 30 September 2020. 

Public Consultation on Proposed Rules to Amend the PSI (Registration) Rules 2008

The PSI proposed changes to the existing statutory rules which set out requirements for first time recognition and registration for applicants who first qualified in a Third Country. This was done as part of initiatives to meet potential and real challenges arising in the context of the COVID-19 emergency and will be linked for the duration of the emergency. A short consultation was open between 28 April and 4 May 2020.

Public Consultation on Proposed Rules to Amend the PSI (Educations and Training) (Integrated Course) Rules 2014

The PSI proposed changes to the existing statutory rules which set out the education and training requirements for the five-year integrated Masters degree in pharmacy (MPharm). This was done as part of initiatives to meet potential and real challenges arising in the context of the COVID-19 emergency for individual students. A short consultation was open between 26 and 31 March 2020. The PSI Council agreed to the draft Rules, with minor amendments, on 6 April 2020. The proposed statutory Rules do not come into force until they are signed into law by the Minister for Health.


Public consultation on proposed amendments to the PSI (Registration) Rules

Anyone wishing to practice as a pharmacist in Ireland must register with the PSI as the pharmacy regulator. One of the principal functions of the PSI is to maintain a register of all pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants practicing in Ireland, and ensuring all those wishing to register with us hold an appropriate qualification before they can practice. There are three routes of recognition/registration for pharmacists, dependant on where a person has obtained their pharmacy qualification; National Route, European Union/European Economic Area Route and the Third-Country Qualification Recognition Route. 

Applicants with a UK qualification applying for first time recognition/registration post Brexit will be processed as a third country qualification irrespective of the date on which the qualification was first obtained.

In September and October 2019, the PSI invited feedback on proposed amendments to the PSI (Registration) Rules 2008. The purpose of the consultation was to propose rules which would amend the current Third Country Route process, and in the context of an evidence base for equivalence, the timelines and administrative process in handling an application from an individual holding a UK qualification will be as timely as possible, and in line with current EU Route timelines.

Public consultation on the draft accreditation standards for the five-year integrated Master's degree programmes in pharmacy

One of the principal functions of the PSI- the pharmacy regulator is to promote and ensure a high standard of education and training for those seeking to become pharmacists. This role includes setting the accreditation standards for the educational programmes that are offered by the higher education institutions in Ireland.

In continuing to promote and ensure a high standard of education and training for pharmacy, we have an obligation to review accreditation standards on a regular basis. Read the draft accreditation standards.

The PSI Council approved the new accreditation standards at their meeting in September 2019. The revised standards are not immediately effective but will be used by the providers in preparation for implementation. 

Read the consultation report on the draft accreditation standards.

Scoping consultation for Governance and Accountability Standards for Retail Pharmacy Businesses

Following feedback received at the regional superintendent seminars in 2018, we are progressing the development of a standards-based approach for pharmacy. The development of standards takes a different approach to the guidelines issued to date, in that standards provide concise, outcome-focussed statements. To inform the development of the standards, we invited input during a scoping consultation.

The initial standards being developed aim to facilitate compliance with Regulation 5 (Management and Supervision) of the Regulation of Retail Pharmacy Businesses Regulations 2008.

  • Read the report on the scoping consultation for Governance and Accountability Standards for Retail Pharmacy Businesses


Public consultation on the revised draft Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Temporary Absence of a Pharmacist from a Pharmacy) Rules [December]

Under the Pharmacy Act 2007 it is an offence to operate a retail pharmacy business other than in accordance with particular conditions, one of which is that the sale and supply of medicinal products must be carried out by or under the personal supervision of a registered pharmacist at all times (Section 26). However, the Act also provides that no offence is committed where a registered pharmaceutical assistant acts on behalf of a registered pharmacist during the temporary absence of the registered pharmacist (Section 30).

This same section of the Pharmacy Act provides the PSI Council with the ability to define what is the temporary absence of a pharmacist, and what may or may not be done by a pharmaceutical assistant when acting on behalf of a pharmacist during that period of temporary absence. The Council can do this by making statutory rules, subject to ministerial approval.

The Council of the PSI previously consulted on draft Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Temporary Absence of a Pharmacist from a Pharmacy) Rules 2018 in July and August 2018. Following this consultation, Rule 8 was amended. The PSI Council considered the amended set of draft rules at its meeting on 6 December 2018 and proposed them for public consultation in December 2018 and January 2019. This public consultation closed on 11 January 2019. At the meeting of the Council on 14 February, the Council considered the feedback received during the public consultation process. The Council agreed that the proposed Rules, with amendments, be submitted to the Minister for Health for his consent so that they might be made into law. The proposed statutory Rules do not come into force until they are considered and signed into law by the Minister.

Public consultation on the draft revised Code of Conduct for Pharmacists

The PSI conducted a review of the Code of Conduct for pharmacists, which included a consultation process on the existing Code in 2017. Following this consultation, and engagement with relevant experts, the Code was revised and updated, and a public consultation was carried out in August 2018.

Public Consultation on Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Temporary Absence of a Pharmacist from a Pharmacy) Rules [July and August]

Under the Pharmacy Act 2007 it is an offence to operate a retail pharmacy business other than in accordance with particular conditions, one of which is that the sale and supply of medicinal products must be carried out by or under the personal supervision of a registered pharmacist at all times (Section 26). However, the Act also provides that no offence is committed where a registered pharmaceutical assistant acts on behalf of a registered pharmacist during the temporary absence of the registered pharmacist (Section 30).

The PSI Council considered the matter of temporary absence and a proposed draft set of rules under section 30 of the Act at its meeting in March 2017. The Council decided to reject the proposal presented at that time, and requested further examination of the issue of temporary absence, and what would be covered within the scope of the rules.

A Working Group was then established to examine and produce a report, which was submitted to Council on the 17 May 2018. The considerations of the group were informed by an independent NARIC report on the Pharmaceutical Assistant qualification, and centred on patient safety, public protection and risk in proposing how long a pharmacist may be absent from a pharmacy. At their meeting on 17 May 2018, the Council considered the matter and accepted the Working Group report and its recommendations. It was agreed to proceed with developing draft rules under section 30 of the Act, based on this proposed policy. Draft rules were considered and approved for consultation by the Council at the 21 June 2018 Council meeting, and a public consultation was carried out in July and August 2018.

At the meeting of the Council on 20 September 2018, the Council considered the feedback received during the public consultation process, and the context and parameters of the matter for decision. The Council agreed that the proposed PSI (Temporary Absence of a Pharmacist from a pharmacy) Rules 2018, without change, be submitted to the Minister for Health for his consent so that they might be made into law.

Update 25 October 2018: A delay arose in the submission of the approved Rules to the Minister for his consent. This has arisen in the context of an element of the drafting framework used in the rules, and it is now required that the tasks that may be undertaken during a pharmacist’s period of temporary absence are incorporated within the Rules, rather than as envisaged under Rule 8 considered by the Council. A risk matrix was drawn up as part of the Working Group report on temporary absence, for the Council’s consideration earlier this summer. This matrix of tasks will inform the basis for a schedule to the Rules, which will address the activities that may be carried out by a pharmaceutical assistant when acting on behalf of a pharmacist, in their temporary absence.

Update 13 December 2018: The PSI Council considered a redraft of the Rules at its meeting on 6 December, and these were approved for further public consultation. That public consultation was opened for feedback on the revisions, on 13 December. The proposed statutory Rules do not come into force until they are considered and signed into law by the Minister.

Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Registration) Rules

In July and August 2018, the PSI invited feedback on the proposed changes to the PSI (Registration) Rules (S.I. No. 494 of 2008) (as amended). The proposed changes relate to:

  • The introduction of a new legal mechanism, whereby the PSI would be enabled to ‘propose to refuse’ the application for continued registration of a pharmacist in circumstances where the pharmacist has not engaged with continuing professional development (CPD) requirements (i.e. those pharmacists who refuse/decline/fail to submit evidence of their ePortfolio for ePortfolio Review, when requested. It is not intended to use this mechanism for those pharmacists who are working towards meeting the standards for ePortfolio Review).
  • The manner by which a pharmacist, whose professional qualification in pharmacy was awarded after training completed outside the State, satisfies language competence when applying for registration as a pharmacist in Ireland.

Further details will be published here in due course.

Review of the Pharmacy Assessment System

The PSI conducted a review of the Pharmacy Assessment System to evaluate its implementation to date. The Pharmacy Assessment System was developed as a practical tool to facilitate the supervising pharmacist, superintendent pharmacist and the pharmacy owner, along with their pharmacy team, to critically review and reflect on their pharmacy’s practice and identify areas where improvements may be required. This plays an important role in demonstrating a pharmacy team’s commitment to continuous quality improvement directed towards ensuring patient safety and quality care. A summary of the feedback will be made available in due course, as well as information about any proposals or changes that will arise following this review.

Accreditation Standards for CPD Programmes

We consulted on draft Accreditation Standards for CPD Programmes and Courses for Pharmacists. The aim of the standards is to quality assure CPD training programmes and courses that are provided to pharmacists. These standards will be used by the Irish Institute of Pharmacy when carrying out accreditation exercises for those courses requiring accreditation. These standards are intended to replace the Generic Interim Accreditation Standards for Formal Programmes of Learning for Pharmacy in Ireland that are in place since 2012.


Consultation on Draft Guidelines for the Sale and Supply of Non-Prescription Medicinal Products

The PSI developed guidelines to aid pharmacist and pharmacy compliance with Regulations 5(1)(d), 5(1)(h) and 10 of the Regulation of Retail Pharmacy Businesses Regulations (S.I. No. 488 of 2008). It sets out the legal requirements for the sale and supply of non-prescription medicines from a pharmacy, whether occurring in-person, or at a distance through online purchases from a pharmacy's website. It includes guidance in relation to patient counselling, consultation and internet supply.

Review of the Code of Conduct for Pharmacists

During 2017, the PSI is reviewed the Code of Conduct (2009), which is a public declaration of the ethical standards that govern the practice of pharmacy in Ireland, and is applicable to all registered pharmacists.  First stage of the review began by inviting stakeholder comment and thoughts on the current Code during May and June.

Consultation on Draft Joint Guidance: Safe Prescribing and Dispensing of Controlled Drugs

The Medical Council of Ireland and the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) have come together, in a joint initiative, to examine patient safety matters of mutual concern and to make available practical guidance on the safe prescribing and dispensing of medicines that will be of use to both the medical and pharmacist professions.

The first joint guide is on the Safe Prescribing and Dispensing of Controlled Drugs and is a resource intended for use by all medical doctors and pharmacists in the collaborative, safe and effective care of patients, to facilitate safer prescribing and dispensing of controlled drugs.

Public Consultation on a draft PSI Corporate Strategy 2018-2020

As a public body, the PSI has an obligation to set out our strategy and its intended outcomes, and provide an opportunity for all those who are interested in or affected by our work to have a say in our future direction. In April, we sought feedback on a first draft of our next Corporate Strategy, setting out five key strategic areas where we propose to focus our development activities, and how we will go about meeting our core responsibilities, in the coming years.


Public Consultation on draft Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Regulation of Temporary Absence Cover by Pharmaceutical Assistants) Rules 2016

Under the Pharmacy Act 2007 (the Act) it is an offence to operate a retail pharmacy business other than in accordance with particular conditions, one of which is that the sale and supply of medicinal products must be carried out by or under the personal supervision of a registered pharmacist at all times (Section 26). However, the Act also provides that no offence is committed where a registered pharmaceutical assistant acts on behalf of a registered pharmacist during the temporary absence of the registered pharmacist (Section 30).

In circumstances where the registered pharmacist is temporarily absent from the pharmacy a registered pharmaceutical assistant may act on his/her behalf and carry out the functions of the pharmacist (excepting functions restricted to pharmacists under specific medicines legislation e.g. vaccination services).

In March 2016, the PSI consulted on the draft rules as to what constitutes the temporary absence of a pharmacist, as provided for under Section 30 of the Act. 

Consultation report of submissions received on the draft Temporary Absence Rules 2016

Further background information is also available on this topic.


At its meeting on 23 March 2017, the PSI Council reviewed the responses received through the public consultation process on the draft Rules. The Council also listened to an address by Ms. Rita O’Brien, Chair of the Pharmaceutical Assistants Association, who addressed the Council at its invitation. The Council then proceeded to deliberate on the content of the draft Rules in light of the feedback received and with due consideration to its role as a public interest regulator. Following this consideration, the Council made the decision not to recommend the draft Rules to the Minister, under Section 30 of the Pharmacy Act 2007, and instead directed that the matters be re-examined with further consideration to be given to what could be covered within the scope of Rules, as provided for under Section 30 (2) of the Act. The Council acknowledged that the status quo position in relation to the 1994 Code of Practice still pertains.

PSI Customer Charter

We have developed a Customer Charter to provide you with information about the level of service you can expect from the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI). As the pharmacy regulator, the PSI has a wide range of customers, who include, among others, patients, members of the public, registrants, other regulatory bodies, pharmacy students, the schools of pharmacy and policy makers.

Rules to receive evidence at a PSI Committee of Inquiry by video link

The PSI has drafted a statutory instrument (PSI Rules) which considers how evidence may be received and recorded by a PSI Committee of Inquiry, in particular so that the evidence of witnesses may be made by live video link or any other mode of transmission.  It is proposed that the Committee of Inquiry would decide in each instance about submissions made to it to receive evidence by live video link.

Public Consultation on draft Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Fees)(Amendment) Rules 2016

The fee payable by student pharmacists undertaking the in-service practical training programme, called the National Pharmacy Internship Programme, is €2,750. In line with the Government’s policy to increase the student contribution charge, which is capped at €3,000, the Council of the PSI has approved an increase in the programme fee to €3,000. The fee supports the delivery and quality of the training programme.

The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Fees) Rules 2014 (S.I. No. 378 of 2014) set out the fees payable in respect of applications, notifications and services. An increase in the internship programme fee requires an amendment to those rules.

Further details will be published here in due course.

Public Consultation on draft PSI Pharmacy Assessment System

A new Pharmacy Assessment System has been developed by the PSI, intended as a practical tool to facilitate the supervising pharmacist, superintendent pharmacist and pharmacy owner (those with management responsibility in a pharmacy) to reflect on their pharmacy’s practice and to identify areas for improvement. Read background information on this project.

Having developed the draft Pharmacy Assessment System and a guide to accompany it, a pilot among pharmacies to trial its use and to gather feedback was carried out, before its wider roll-out among all registered pharmacies.

Public Consultation on draft Guidelines on Record Keeping for Medicinal Products in a Retail Pharmacy Business

The PSI has developed draft guidelines setting out the legal requirements for keeping records when a prescription-only medicine or controlled drug is supplied from a pharmacy on foot of a prescription and in other circumstances. The purpose of the guidelines is to facilitate compliance with the record keeping requirements set out in Regulation 12 of the Regulation of Retail Pharmacy Businesses Regulations (S.I. No. 488 of 2008). 

Further details will be published here in due course.

Public Consultation on draft Guidance on the Provision of Vaccination Services by Pharmacists in Retail Pharmacy Businesses

Pharmacists have an important role to play in advising and educating the public about public health protection measures such as immunisation, as well as an important role in providing vaccination services. PSI Guidance on the Provision of Vaccination Services by Pharmacists was revised and updated in early 2016 to reflect changes under the Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2015, which authorises pharmacists to supply and administer two additional vaccines, the pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPV23) and herpes zoster (commonly known as shingles) vaccines.

Public Consultation on proposed amendments to the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Fees) Rules, Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Registration) Rules, and Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Education and Training) (Integrated Course) Rules necessitated by changes to Directive 2005/36/EC

The European Professional Qualifications Directive enables and facilitates the free movement of professionals, such as pharmacists, doctors and others, within the EU, by establishing a framework to facilitate the mutual recognition of professional qualifications.

On the 18 January 2016, changes to the European Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC) were implemented into Irish law. This required changes to national legislation and to the PSI’s Rules in relation to registration, education and fees in order to comply with changes arising from the directive. In January 2016 the PSI invited comment on the draft amending Rules.


Public Consultation on a draft Patient Charter

We have developed a Patient Charter that we intend to publish in 2016, and during December 2015 we invited feedback on the draft document.

The PSI’s role is to act to protect and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public and a Patient Charter. The Patient Charter is intended as a short, informative and accessible document for all pharmacy users.

Public Consultation on draft Guidance on Monitored Dosage Systems

The PSI issued draft Guidance for Pharmacists on the use of Monitored Dosage Systems in October 2015. The purpose of this guidance is to assist pharmacists in making appropriate decisions about whether a Monitored Dosage System (MDS) is suitable for a particular patient. The guidance also supports pharmacists when assessing which medicinal products are suitable for inclusion in the MDS and will outline all requirements needed of the retail pharmacy business, to ensure safe MDS dispensing occurs.

Further details will be published here in due course.

Public Consultation on draft Guidelines on the Sale and Supply of Prescribed Medicinal Products from a Retail Pharmacy Business

The PSI issued draft Guidelines on the Sale and Supply of Prescribed Medicinal Products from a Retail Pharmacy Business in June 2015. The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate compliance with the personal supervision requirements of the Pharmacy Act 2007 and the Regulation of Retail Pharmacy Businesses Regulations (S.I. No. 488 of 2008), and in particular, Regulation 9.

Public Consultation on draft Guidance for Pharmacists on Extemporaneous Dispensing

The PSI issued draft Guidance for Pharmacists on Extemporaneous Dispensing for public consultation in February 2015. The Council of the PSI approved the final guidance at its meeting on 26th March 2015.

Public Consultation on the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Continuing Professional Development) Rules 2015

In April and May 2015, the PSI undertook a public consultation on the new draft Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Continuing Professional Development) Rules 2015 relating to continuing professional development for pharmacists. The Pharmacy Act 2007 (as amended) confers a function on the PSI ‘to ensure that pharmacists undertake appropriate continuing professional development, including the acquisition of specialisation’. The Rules are necessary to give statutory effect to the PSI’s CPD model as agreed by the Council of the PSI in June 2010.

Public Consultation on draft Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2015

The Pharmacy Act 2007 has been amended to make it a principal function of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland to establish and maintain a list of persons entitled to supply non-prescription medicinal products via internet supply (entitled the ISS Supply List). This arises from Article 85c of the Falsified Medicines Directive (Directive 2011/62/EU) which introduces new EU wide regulatory controls on the supply of medicines by means of the internet. In Ireland this will apply to all those involved (pharmacies and non-pharmacies) in the internet supply of non-prescription medicines.The policy of the Council of the PSI is that the cost of this new regulatory system must be borne by those entities involved in the internet supply of non-prescription medicines and accordingly, a fee should be charged for entry on to the ISS Supply List. In this regard a public consultation was undertaken in April/May 2015 to consider a changed Fees Rule to incorporate an applicable fee. 

Public Consultation on the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Council) (Amendment) Rules 2015

The PSI undertook a public consultation in December 2014/January 2015 to consider changes to its Council Rules that amended procedures for the conduct of the elections of the President and Vice-President of the PSI Council, and for establishing arrangements for the formation of a panel of pharmacist candidates who are deemed to have been selected (Council election) by the members of the Society as being eligible for appointment to the Council in the event that casual vacancies arise on the Council.


Public Consultation on draft Guidance on Data Protection for Pharmacists

The PSI issued draft Guidance on Data Protection for Pharmacists for public consultation in June 2014. The Council of the PSI approved the guidance at its meeting on 2 October 2014.

Public Consultation on draft Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Fees) Rules 2014

The Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI), at its meeting on the 27th March 2014, took a decision to reduce by 5% the first and annual registration fees payable by pharmacists, retail pharmacy businesses and pharmaceutical assistants. To give effect to this decision, it is necessary that the Council make Rules under section 11 of the Pharmacy Act 2007 (No. 20 of 2007). By virtue of section 11(6)(b) of this Act, the Council invited the public to comment on these draft Rules. This consultation closed on Friday 4th of July.

Public Consultation on draft Guidance on the Delivery of Prescription-only Medicines from a Retail Pharmacy Business (Pharmacy)

The PSI issued draft Guidance on the Delivery of Prescription-only Medicines from a Retail Pharmacy Business (Pharmacy) for public consultation in May 2014. The Council of the PSI approved the guidance at its meeting on 31 July 2014.

Public Consultation on the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Education and Training) (Integrated Course) Rules 2014

The PSI issued a draft statutory instrument relating to the education and training of pharmacists for public consultation in January 2014. The draft statutory instrument will replace the current Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Education and Training) Rules 2008 (S.I. No. 493 of 2008) and will allow for the commencement of the new five-year fully integrated Masters degree programmes in pharmacy. The Council of the PSI, in June 2010, decided that a five-year integrated degree in pharmacy should constitute the qualification for practice for all those qualifying as pharmacists in Ireland.


Public Consultation on the Draft Accreditation Standards for the Five-Year Fully Integrated Masters Degree Programme in Pharmacy

The PSI issued draft accreditation standards for the five-year fully integrated Masters degree programmes in pharmacy for public consultation in September 2013.  The Council of the PSI approved the accreditation standards, in principle, at its meeting on 12 December 2013.


Public Consultation on Premises and Equipment Requirements of a Retail Pharmacy Business

In May 2012 the PSI  issued draft guidelines for public consultation on the Premises and Equipment Requirements of a retail pharmacy business.


Public Consultation on the Core Competency Framework

Public Consultation Document on Interim Accreditation Standards


Public Consultation Document on Sourcing, Storage and Disposal of Medicines

The PSI issued guidelines to facilitate compliance with the various requirements relating to the sourcing, storage and disposal of medicines for public consultation in July/August 2010 and published final guidelines in May 2011.

Public Consultation Document on Patient Consultation

Draft guidelines to facilitate compliance with the requirement for a patient consultation area in pharmacies were initially issued for public consultation early in 2010 and final guidelines were published in May 2010.

Public Consultation Document on Interim Accreditation Standards


Public Consultation Document on Non-Prescription Medicinal Products Containing Codeine

Draft guidance on the safe supply of non-prescription codeine medicines was initially published for public consultation in December 2009 and final guidelines were published in March 2010.