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Role of Pharmacy Consultation Offers Unique Opportunity for Patients and Public

May 16, 2024

PSI, The Pharmacy Regulator, welcomes today’s announcement of a public consultation on the expansion of the role of pharmacists by Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly TD. The public consultation offers an opportunity for the public and interested parties to provide views on further expansion of services provided by pharmacists that could offer further benefits to public health and patient engagement. The PSI encourages members of the public, pharmacists and other health and social care professionals to participate.

The announcement of the public consultation follows on from the Minister’s establishment of the Expert Taskforce in July last, to support the expansion of the role of pharmacists in Ireland, of which the PSI is an active member.

As the regulatory authority for pharmacy in Ireland, the PSI plays a critical role in ensuring pharmacists expertise and contribution as part of the wider health service continues to develop in line with evolving patient care and innovations in the sector.

The PSI Registrar and Chief Officer, Joanne Kissane said: “Pharmacists play a critical role within the health system and have a long-held desire to build and expand upon their unique role. The Expert Taskforce is committed to taking a collaborative approach to its work and this public consultation ensures all views and insights can be considered as part of the development of future pharmacy services. We welcome the consultation and strongly encourage members of the public, our registrants and others within the healthcare sector to participate in the process.”

The public consultation is seeking views on the expansion of the role of pharmacists, services offered to the public, and the interaction of pharmacy services with healthcare. The Minister for Health is calling for contributions to be made by Irish registered medical practitioner, health, and social care professional organisations, as well as members of the public via an online survey. The public consultation survey will be open from Thursday 16 May to Friday 28 June. Contributions can be made via the survey here: EUSurvey - Survey ( 

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