Guidance on the Safe Supply of Dovonex® Psoriasis Ointment by Pharmacists
The purpose of this guidance is to assist pharmacists in the safe supply of Dovonex® Psoriasis ointment, in line with the product’s marketing authorisation.
Guidance on the Safe Supply of Dovonex® Psoriasis Ointment by Pharmacists
In this guidance we highlight key points that should be considered by pharmacists in ensuring the safe supply of Dovonex® Psoriasis (calcipotriol 50 microgram/g) ointment. This product is licensed as a pharmacy only medicine for the treatment of adults with mild to moderate plaque psoriasis which has been previously diagnosed by a doctor.
Due to the need to confirm the patient’s diagnosis of plaque psoriasis and the counselling requirements for the appropriate use of this product, Dovonex® Psoriasis ointment must only be supplied by the pharmacist.
The product’s Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) and Package Leaflet are available are available to view on the HPRA website.
A training deck on this product for pharmacists is available on request by email to LEO Pharma medical information.