6 January 2025: we welcome feedback on the proposed changes to PSI statutory rules that will provide for revision of the CPD model for pharmacists and for the development and implementation of a CPD model for pharmaceutical assistants. Consider the information below and our public consultation page for details. 

Review of the CPD Model for Pharmacists 

Under the strategic objective in our Corporate Strategy 2021-2024, Advancing the Role of Pharmacy and Pharmacists in the Future Integrated Healthcare System, we committed to reviewing our current model of CPD to ensure it supports future pharmacist practice in all settings, that it is agile, adaptive and sustainable, and that it delivers value for money.

The review was carried out with the independent, external support of Mazars, and by seeking the input and experience of our registrants and others. The focus of the project was: 

  • To identify the key drivers that will inform the future development of the CPD model and the setting of our key objectives and responsibilities in the further development of the system;
  • To examine and evaluate the effectiveness of the current CPD governance and management structures in the performance and delivery of the CPD system; 
  • To make recommendations about how the current CPD model can be adapted, changed or improved;
  • Examine the viability, resourcing, and sustainability of any proposed model, with consideration to the size of the register of pharmacists and the size of the register of retail pharmacy businesses.  

The culmination of the review was a report on the Review of the CPD Model for Pharmacists (The Mazar's Report) which sets out the outcome and recommendations from the review process. At the PSI Council meeting of 14 December 2023, the Council accepted the findings of the Mazars Report and approved the recommendations therein. The following are the recommendations within the report:


  Key Drivers
Recommendation 1                 Investigate opportunities to incorporate intra and inter-profession collaboration into the CPD Model.

Systems for CPD Review
 Recommendation 2 Reduce the CPD review cycle period from 5 years, in line with international practice, including also removal of the restriction on the eligibility period during which newly qualified pharmacists become subject to the defined requirements.
 Recommendation 3  Remove the Practice Review element from the CPD Model.
   Governance & Management Arrangements 
 Recommendation 4 Update the scope of the CPD model desired based on the information in this and related reports. The mechanism by which that scope is best delivered should then be considered.
  Risk Assessment
Recommendation 5 Incorporate enhanced risk-based approaches to the sampling of practitioners for CPD review processes.
Recommendation 6 Develop a flexible, administrative process to couple annual registration with satisfactory CPD compliance.
Recommendation 7 Incorporate peer feedback – or discussion – into the self-reflection process.

Implementation proposal

On 25 April 2024, the PSI Council approved an implementation proposal for the revised CPD model for pharmacists. The purpose of the proposal was to further inform and elaborate on the Council’s consideration on the scope of the revised CPD model for pharmacists and to provide an evidence-based framework to implement the recommendations contained within the Mazar’s report.

How was the proposal developed?

The proposal was developed following the analysis and synthesis of supplementary desk-based research, stakeholder engagement and stakeholder consultation conducted by the PSI between January and April 2024.

1. Desk-based research: Ten CPD models both nationally and internationally were reviewed and analysed.

2. Stakeholder engagement: The desk-based research was verified, and quality checked through meetings and/or by email with other national and international organisations.

3. Exploratory workshops: Two exploratory workshops were held with the IIOP to capture their knowledge and expertise.

4. CPD Review Working Group: This group comprised of representatives from the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU), Hospital Pharmacists Association of Ireland (HPAI), Pharmacists in Industry, Education and Regulatory (PIER), a practising pharmacist and a PSI Council member. The group was established to support, inform, and advise on the development of the proposal.

5. Regulatory and Professional Policy Committee: The proposal was considered, discussed and approved by this Advisory Committee of the PSI Council.

6. PSI Council: The proposal was considered, discussed, and approved by the PSI Council.

What is changing?

The proposed changes include the following:

  • Greater inclusion of intra and inter-profession learning opportunities as part of CPD requirements, through inclusion in the ePortfolio Review Policy and/or ePortfolio Review Standards
  • Submission of CPD records on an annual basis
  • Removal of Practice Review
  • A preference for the continuation of the outsourced CPD model delivered by the IIOP
  • Random and risk-based selection of pharmacists for ePortfolio Review
  • Introduction of a process whereby a pharmacists ongoing registration is linked with the requirement to engage with the CPD requirements.

Update 6 January 2025:

Public consultation on proposed changes to the PSI (CPD) and PSI (Registration) Rules

We currently have an open consultation on proposed changes to the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Continuing Professional Development) Rules 2015 (S.I No. 553 of 2015) and the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Registration) Rules 2008 (S.I. No. 494 of 2008)(as amended). Changes to the rules are necessary to implement the changes outlined above for the CPD model for pharmacists and for the development and implementation of a CPD model for pharmaceutical assistants.  

How were the proposed changes to the rules developed? 

The draft Rules have been developed in consultation with a relevant group of external stakeholders, in addition to the PSI Regulatory and Professional Policy Committee (an Advisory Committee of the PSI Council), and the PSI Council.  

During August and September 2024, we shared and discussed early drafts of the rules and the rationale for each proposed change with external stakeholders including the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP), the Irish Pharmacy (IPU), a Practising Pharmacist representative from the PSI CPD Review Working Group and the Pharmaceutical Assistants Association. The purpose of the preliminary consultation with key stakeholders was to identify feedback that could be considered and incorporated into the draft rules, where appropriate, in advance of a wider public consultation.    

The draft rules have been considered and discussed by the PSI Regulatory and Professional Policy Committee and considered and approved for public consultation by the PSI Council at its meeting on 12 December 2024.   

What are the proposed changes to the rules? 

The proposed changes to the rules include the following: 

  1. Removal of Practice Review from the current CPD model for pharmacists. 
  2. Submission of CPD records by pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants on an annual basis. 
  3. Introduction of a process whereby a pharmacist’s or pharmaceutical assistant’s ongoing registration is linked with the requirement to engage with CPD. 
  4. The setting out of the CPD requirements of pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants in relevant policies approved by the Council. 
  5. Flexibility for the PSI Council to continue to operate the CPD system through the outsourced mechanism delivered and managed by the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP), or otherwise, should circumstances arise where the market is not in a position to support this.  
  6. Development and implementation of a CPD model for pharmaceutical assistants. 
  7. A new policy-based approach to the quality assurance of CPD activities delivered through the IIOP. 

What will stay the same about the CPD model for pharmacists? 

  • CPD undertaken by pharmacists will still be systematic, needs-based and outcomes-focussed, based on a process of continual learning and development with application to a pharmacist’s professional practice.  
  • Pharmacists will still be required to maintain records of their CPD in their online ePortfolio and this will remain under their control.  

How can I provide feedback on the proposed amendments to the rules? 

Our public consultation page contains further information and the options for providing your feedback. Closing date for this public consultation is Monday, 3 February 2025.  

What does this mean for pharmacists CPD requirements now?

No changes will be made to the existing CPD system for pharmacists, until the proposed changes have been approved in revised rules by the Minister for Health. For now, you are expected to engage with CPD in the usual way. 

You can find out more here about the current CPD requirements and on the IIOP website

Any changes to the CPD system will be communicated on this website and directly by email to PSI registrants, with updates explained and supported.