Accreditation Standards for Programmes of CPD

Following on from a public consultation process, the Council of the PSI approved Accreditation Standards for CPD Programmes and Courses for Pharmacists on 21 June 2018. The aim of the standards is to quality assure CPD training programmes and courses that are provided to pharmacists. These standards will be used by the Irish Institute of Pharmacy when carrying out accreditation exercises for those courses requiring accreditation. These standards are intended to replace the Generic Interim Accreditation Standards for CPD programmes for Formal Programmes of Learning for Pharmacy in Ireland.

Please note that courses procured prior to the 21 June 2018, or currently in an accreditation process, will continue to be subject to the Generic Interim Accreditation Standards.

View the public consultation report on the draft standards.

Process for Accreditation of CPD Programmes

The process of evaluating compliance against the accreditation standards for programmes of CPD is carried out by the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP), on behalf of the PSI. The process can be accessed on the IIoP website.

Click on the links below for more information

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