Frequently Asked Questions

We are frequently asked questions by pharmacists and others working in pharmacies. Answers to those questions are provided under these categories to assist pharmacists in complying with legislation and good practice in their daily work.

 FAQs-other pharmacy practice matters FAQ on data protection FAQS  
Read frequently asked questions on prescriptions during COVID-19 FAQ on pharmacy only medicines FAQs on the flu season

For the public, we have also published some useful answers to questions that we receive most often from people who are using pharmacy services.

Other useful resources

The FAQs and other resources provided may answer your query without you having to contact us directly. If you are unable to resolve your query, following a review of these resources, you can submit a query in writing to The PSI endeavours to respond to all queries within 7 working days.

We can only provide information on matters which are within the regulatory remit of the PSI. We do not provide information on commercial, contractual or employment matters, nor do we provide legal advice or clinical information. The Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) regulates medicines, medical devices and other health products and can be contacted at +353 1 676 4971 or